
Fake oil warning

누려라 2012. 10. 30. 23:00

Fake oil warning

Mobile phones is flooded parts sharpen dwaedo plate, the water enters the car parts is not usually Insert foreign objects in the vehicle. Seeing the damage cases are increasing. Flooded with the rising value of oil 'and the' fake oil.

Light came oil has dropped. To turn the car around and found a nearby gas station. Famous oil companies operating in the gas station. Oil cheaper than the market price Finish filled. Cost 110,000 won. Day passed. Again, the red light came on the car. Language tripping Ind., took the car to want to. Car parts water into it thinking. You had to pay for the maintenance parts. Maintenance period of a fortnight, the cost 4,000,000 won. Mr. A that oil companies protested. Tedious one month workshop is followed by responsibility. A business is difficult without a car you need to do to fix the burden upset ot Mr. sighed.

The fines imposed by the recent four years selling fake oil amounts to 40 billion won. By company, SK Energy, GS Caltex, Hyundai Oil Bank, eseuohil net. Oil companies, no matter how famous, even it is not easy to receive compensation for damages. Consumers relative to the individual gas station, gas station, oil companies and contracted private operators. Negligence proved be commissioned directly by the consumer.

Debris in the oil, what was the bodywork is defective, the consumer is at fault. Commissioned oil housekeepers who is at fault can be examined. Fake oil is deadly to the body once injected inside the car dwaedo. Sometimes it may cause explosion. Fake oil, Is there any way to prevent accidents.

Fake oil precautions

General Petroleum to create a mixture of solvents, such as benzene, toluene, xylene, etc. and to use thinner, gasoline to diesel instead of petrol or kerosene mix to use as a kind of fake oil. Benzene and mixed fuel combustion as a carcinogen (benzo (a) pyrene) makes That occur with toluene, a substance called itself highly toxic. Vaporized when the body is fatal.

Last year there was a gas station in Suwon fake gasoline explosion while secretly stash in the basement that was fueling driver deaths and accidents hurt passersby four Anshan vehicle knocked cost from the fake petrol fueling is in a residential area after a fire burning homes to fire from spreading and prayed. Reason to fake gasoline explosion because a low flash point. Harmful emissions, two to five times higher. Lower fuel consumption. 14.4 ㎞ 1 ℓ runs when you write a normal gasoline car, put a fake gasoline falls 4 percent fuel economy.

Korea National Oil Management Service, the following criteria were presented to a gas station that sells fake oil differential

First, the price is significantly brackets doubt; Liter ranked 10, won 20, the difference these days, the price of oil to record highs every day feels greatly. International oil prices is grim, but the price of oil is significantly cheaper than the price level is the boundary to the gas station.

Substandard bad oil content written 'specified' gas station thrift in the country among According to the fact, that this year appeared the problem was. Of the government specifies the thrift gas station 12 where it was discovered that the oil and oil-alternative fuel in violation of the law qualification for selling fake oil before an administrative penalty.

Second, the isolated gas station outside the city center on the national road or beware. Mutual competition is fierce and the checks and monitoring all remote gas station, but not severe compared to the gas station area, the possibility is greater. (No brand gas stations) mupol gas station if it should be noted. Paul's particular gas station just operating refineries and supply contracts, "from time to time shall be supervised. Gas stations in the common remote gas station and mupol will be less likely to receive surveillance and containment.

Third, the Gas Jockey with little or frequently changing gas stations If you suspect that something is good. Fake gasoline handling the case of a gas station Gas Station Workers putting a lot of reluctance, even if more frequent replacement. If this gas station are also reluctant to pay by credit card. Fake oil trading illegally through the black market, and it does not leave a trail. Because

According to a recent survey, the 'fake oil to more than 1 trillion won a year tax that is leaking. How many fake oil before manufacturing and distribution Sindang-dong and family wave to the alleged distribution organization, has been arrested. They manufacture the largest of the fake oil 1 trillion won. Bodywork and bad price as many as 1,400 won per liter about 30% cheaper than the street price but they found the ensuing accident was known.

Fake oil free analysis service

Oil housekeepers nationwide mobile laboratory vehicle area was placed on the 24. Hypermarkets and highway rest stops, gravitate to where the vehicle pulled directly from my fuel vehicles, allows analysis of whether the fake oil lubrication free. Analysis machine to put in a certain amount of mobile laboratories to recollect the oil in the tank vehicle containing foreign matter whether you come in 10 to 15 minutes.

If the foreign object is found, fueling at the gas station, some have caught on track to enter. We tested 555 vehicles in the first half of this year, it had caught four of the fake gas station oil handling.