물가지수와 연관된 경제용어를 알아봅니다


-경제용어 물가지수-


기준시점에 대해 비교시점의 전반적인 가격수준을

측정하기 위해 작성되는 지수를 물가지수라고 한다.

이에는 생산자물가지수, 소비자물가지수, 수출입물

가지수, 생활물가지수 등이 있다.



-경제용어 물가연동제-


금전계약에 있어 그 지급시의 실질가치가 물가상승에

의해 하락하는 것을 방지하기 위해 그 가치를 일반물

가 수준을 대표하는 특정지표와 연동시키는 방식을 말

한다. 은행에금, 임금, 가격 및 이자율 등을 물가지수

에 연동시켜 물가상승으로 인한 구매력 감소를 보상

하고자 하는 방식으로 인플레이션이 심한 브라질 등

에서 전면적으로 실시된 바 있다.



-경제용어 수출입물가지수-


수출입상품의 가격변동을 나타내는 지수를 수출입

물가지수라고 한다. 이는 수출입상품의 가격변동을

파악하고, 그 가격변동이 국내물가에 미치는 영향

을 사전에 측정하기 위하여 작성되며, 수출입관련

업체들의 수출채산성 변동 및 수입원가부담 등을

파악하는 한편 수출입물가지수의 상호비교를 통

해, 가격측면에서의 교역조건을 측정하는 데에





-경제용어 생산자물가지수-


국내시장에서 생산자나 수입업자로부터 첫 거래되는

단계의 모든 상품의 평균적인 가격변동을 측정하기

위한 지수를 생산자물가지수 PPI라고 한다. 소비자

물가지수와 수입물가지수 등에 비해 범위가 넓어 국

민경제의 물가수준 측정에 가장 대표성이 높은 물가

지수이다. 기업 상호간에 대량 거래되는 서비스는 생

산자물가지수에서 제외된다.



-경제용어 소비자물가지수-


전국 도시의 일반소비자 가구에서 소비 목적을 위해

구입한 각종상품과 서비스에 대해 그 전반적인 물가

수준동향을 측정하는 것을 소비자물가지수 즉, CPI

라고 한다. 우리나라의 경우, 소비자물가지수는 지난

1995년을 100으로 하여 매월 통계청에서 작성, 발표

하고 있으며 조사대상품목은 일반소비자 가계지출

가운데 중요도가 큰 상품과 서비스 중 470개 품목이다.

Posted by 누려라

고스트 앤 크라임 시즌6 - 미드 고스트 앤 크라임 시즌6 줄거리및 다운로드

고스트 앤 크라임 시즌 6 (2009)

방영정보:미국CBS | 금 22시 00분 | 

요약정보:2009-09-25 ~ 2010-05-21 | 미국 | 총 22부작

제작:아론립스타트(연출)등 5명 |글렌 고든 카론(극본)등 5명

출연:패트리샤 아퀘트 (알리슨 드부아 역), 제이크 웨버

(조 드부아 역),미구엘산도발(마누엘 드발로스 역)

소피아 바실리에바(아리엘 드부아 역)마리아 라크

고스트 앤 크라임 시즌6 줄거리

원제는 Medium입니다.미디엄은 보통 영혼과 인간을 연결해주는

영매 역할을 하는 사람들을 말합니다.드라마 속 주인공이 꿈속에서 영혼을 보고

영혼과 대화를 하는 능력을 가진 미디엄 역할을 하는 주인공을 다룬 미드

고스트 앤 크라임 시즌6 다시보기

Posted by 누려라

기업 사회공헌 전문가 양성 교육 실시

사회공헌정보센터, 20일부터 맞춤형 사회공헌 전문가 아카데미





기업 사회공헌 전문가 양성을 위한 정규 교육과정이 개설돼 관심을 모으고 있다.


한국사회복지협의회(회장 차흥봉) 사회공헌정보센터는 20일부터 기업 사회공헌 분야 전문성 강화를 위한 ‘기업 사회공헌 전문가 아카데미(Community Relations Practitioners Academy, 이하 CRP 아카데미)’를 개설한다고 밝혔다.

경력자 과정, 실무자 과정, NGO/NPO 종사자 및 대학생 과정으로 나누어 운영될 CRP아카데미는 각 과정별 담임 교수제 및 CRP아카데미 동문 프로그램을 도입해 실제적이고 직접적인 실무능력 향상에 주안점을 둘 예정이다.

아카데미 과정 

경력자 과정은 강연과 토론, 실무자 과정은 새로운 이슈와 트렌드, NGO/NPO 종사자 및 대학생 과정은 기업 사회공헌 업무에 대한 이해 증진을 중심으로 각각 구성됐다.


경력자 과정은 20일과 25일 두 차례 열리며, 실무자 과정과 NGO/NPO 종사자 과정은 10월 11일부터 4주간 매주 목요일 오후 3시에 진행된다.


임태형 사회공헌정보센터 임태형 소장은 “기업 사회공헌 전문가 아카데미는 사회공헌을 둘러싼 다양한 관계자들을 대상으로 하는 맞춤형 정규 교육 프로그램이라는 점에서 의미가 있다”며 “사회공헌을 위해 무엇을, 어떻게, 누구와 해야 하는지 고민하고 계신 모든 분들께 방향을 제시하는 자리가 될 것이라 기대한다”고 밝혔다.

Posted by 누려라

Causes and Prevention of low back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, sciatica

Mellow in my old age, such as back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, sciatica, spinal disorders appear to think that easy. Recently, however, usually appears 20 to 30 young people, such as back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, sciatica, in the social loss due to musculoskeletal disorders increasing trend.

Wrong postures and habits, improper exercise, long hours, repeatedly posing as musculoskeletal disorders are caused by a work environment that does not fit in the Body.

Date Thu, gubujeonghan, Sophie Cairo songuiwon songjun Director of the workers, not to mention the neck and shoulders, even students uniting gyeolrinda stiff and sore back, and a growing number of patients seeking hospital. Pelvis, shoulders, left and right difference in height, posture more than hwindari such as a patient complaining of leg length difference, a lot of it these musculoskeletal problems occur due to wrong postures and habits, lack of exercise, most often, "he said.

Muscles, which cause more joint pain and posture habits, Songyuan Zhang says as follows.

1) book or when you see the terminals such as computers, mobile phones, TV, game consoles, looks bowed his head.

2) except for his head forward and hunch to walk or sit. Gettin 'bent sitting posture in front of the desk study.

3) when you're sitting, your legs one way or sit crosslegged, except sit on the hips. To sit on the floor in the case of women, when as a matter of habit, as it sits next to the bridge.

4) only one leg or standing (aka pairs walking legs) when the boat forward, and threw out the ol 'walk.

5) sleep well when only one side, lie down and fell asleep. Lie down and watch the TV to see when the next

6) only one shoulder bags that bear habits, unilateral exercise (tennis, badminton, golf, etc.) preferred posture to one side, Sophie worked as a habit, habits, etc.

Song According to the Ledger, this habit is repeated when the cumulative deformation of the spine, of course, is no big deal at first had pain that can be severe. Initial drug therapy, physical therapy and pain to adjust effective as, but not solve, the twisting of the spine or the muscles that cause agglomeration hardened ground back pain or posture more than leads.

Eventually, the pain was negligible even over time, depending on the yen disk or degenerative joint development of increased pain, or tingling in the arms, legs, or pull phenomenon is developed.

These spinal disease prevention is possible.

1) at bedtime, if possible, lie on your back functional pillow (latex or memory foam, etc.) chopping to sleep. Lie fell down and prevent sleep well when lying sideways as the same time as the left and right alternately.

2) sit down to study or work, be careful not to bend your neck by adjusting the reading desk and computer monitor at eye level to match.

3) when you sit down the floor as possible to avoid the backrest to sit in a chair. Man without legs legs or waist when you sit on a chair close by the backrest until spread to the chest and waist, waist, waist cushion to maintain the curve. Ear, shoulder, elbow, hip position in a straight line to maintain your posture.

Ear, shoulder, elbow, hip, 4) standing, even when pulling the knees, peach bone in a straight line so that the chin in, gentle pressure on the belly, chest and waist, naturally pyeomyeo stand. Is to rest your weight by one leg If you must stand for a long time, alternately.

5) walk, do not walk ol able to walk up to 11 characters, and the arms and legs vigorously shaken. Walking foot, 11 characters on board, such as the knees move.

6) in the same position for 20 minutes within muscle and joint stiffness, uniting every hour, so 30 minutes until Thurs from waist allows a light stretching.

So careful, even if you got a pain to find a specialist spinal disorders (back pain, neck pain, sciatica, disc, etc.) need to make sure that can be improved movement and posture alone. If surgery is necessary, recommend unless you do not write about the chiropractic Chiropractic and Rolfing. Corrects the misalignment of the spine and muscles through these treatments can prevent normal daily life correct posture repeatedly recurrent

Check the status of his spine and muscles youth by allowing spinal posture and habits necessary to learn to exercise is not enough to prevent the disease. As a young man to fix a wrong posture or habits, lack of exercise, you will need to prepare a healthy old age.

Posted by 누려라

Gyeonghuigung art Art Museum By The romantic, depending

Autumn, Gyeongbokgung and Changdeokgung Changgyong Palace and Deoksugung tourists crowded the other hand, enough to be able to enjoy the meditative climax leaves even during the Gyeongbok Palace is quiet. Museums and galleries around the linked courses can be fattening if the head and chest.

■ short courses, secluded trails, where you can meet

Gyeonghuigung circumference road about 1km course as slowly as short as 15-20 minutes walk and be to explore. SOONG the front door clockwise, starting right damjanggil course it comes down to is simple enough to be While walking in the city center do not believe that as long as you can enjoy the seclusion. Party power outage points behind the view point of a hill overlooking Gyeonghuigung behind the middle of the course. Written on a hill close to the Seoul newspaper away from buildings nearby views of Namsan N Seoul Tower until. Stacked hills sobokhi leaves a vacant lot sitting on the bench, take a break and picked up after we walked in the direction of it comes down to meet Chiang Kai-shek (中 庭) and the Seoul Museum of History. Art Museum SungKok near miss walking at this point to finish the road (2) Newspaper walking, Kangbuk Samsung Hospital, inside the entry to the road leading gyonamdong as negotiable way of walking.

■ cafes and restaurants from Sungkok Museum road

Museum of Art SungKok Gyeonghuigung the left side of the Sungkok Museum (02-737-7650) in the way a flock of longevity atmosphere, good restaurants and cafes. Cafe cafe coffee coffee taste good reputable host (coffeest, 02-773-5555) was looking for a way around this with excellent taste and atmosphere and Wine Bar, restaurants open their doors led trend-setter of the Foot is Of them emerged as a 'Gwanghwamun Hot Place' Pure Arena (PUREARENA, 02-3210-9787) PR Consulting Group, operating in the plane cafes and restaurants. Decorating space of Chelsea 'Snow Cat' gwonyunju writer participated as an art director, has visited every corner of the fun. Exhibit during a soccer ball, Park Ji-sung of Kim's skate, comes Jang Mi - ran the belt. Popular menu put the chef's special bulgogi sauce sirloin steak bibimbap (16,000 won). Goslar Goslar grill marks on young leaf vegetables crisp and crunchy Sirloin musaengchae serve along with the rice. "Sashimi donburi (15,000 won), Special menu every Wednesday to sell all the fish used for cooking of Shima Jiangnan famous Japanese house, dakka yiseungik chef picked" Infulence (29) in a memo from a manager.

The hanok converted Fusion Sungkok Museum in front of Dan (丹亚, 02-738-1966) the restaurant. Can produce fusion pasta and steak cooking writer and owner of Dan chef anchunghun (38) Mr. taste. Side-by-side in the roasting and hand drip coffee shops, cafes Clemson (cafe creme, 02-722-1080) is converted into a cafe on the second floor homes where the tile roof of the second floor window seat In Dan overlooking the show atmosphere is

■ Museum of Art, galleries and museums as a bonus

Gyeonghuigung newspapers, museums and galleries, the museum together as one. Other most Sungkok Museum Free Admission can feel free to look around. Bldg, been placed in a large outdoor sculpture height of 22m (Hammer ing Man) '' Man hammering Heungkook cheungen audiences & Shenhua Gallery (02-2002-7777) celebrates one week. Golden DNA 'Korea successive exhibitions of contemporary art - Shenhua operated by the Culture and Arts Foundation, until Dec. 30 to open. This exhibition is in progress, total of 8 circuits 30-40 artist 16 people to vigorous activities at home and abroad, two persons paired exhibition showcasing the works created by the same subject. Golden DNA ', "the first exhibition borrowed the image of the oriental painting majors after using the techniques and materials of traditional portraits, modern portraiture, Jung - Wook artist to draw and after BFA Western classicism artists' works 'of clothes (Costume of Painters) painters' series Eastern and Western cultural background and values, and to compare the exhibition showcases the artist's works in baejunseong "choemunjeong (35) of the curator.

Exhibits material related to the history and culture of Seoul and the Seoul Museum of History (02-724-0274) In January next year, from November 9 to 20, 1900 'affective' exhibition opens. Back affective to view the exhibition for the main space of the Empire, and a lot of foreigners seeking area was around the year 1900. With young children, Gyeonghuigung heunghwamun near the Police Museum (02-3150-3681) or the Agricultural Museum (02-2080-5727) is also worth to visit.

Posted by 누려라

Dominate the street in Itaewon, a Halloween party style

Weekend before Halloween Halloween weekdays, so many clubs in Itaewon, a Halloween party took place. And properly enjoying the Halloween fashion people lifted their appearance, but they Itaewon Street began to dominate.

These bananas?

These blase expression pointing to each other is more fun linking today was a banana. Still stand even if that draws a smile and expression of these costumes, Halloween is approaching quickly tells you.

A cartoon character, the total dispatch!

By HPLC 37, note 29, Shon Young - Hee Ae 29, 35

Like a cartoon character, is total mobilization of these! Officers from the Match Girl Girl, Alice concept. Have you ever seen a cartoon character, so sexy?

Her Angel gimsejeong 29

There are no laws should not innocent as Halloween. Man does not fall to the charms of her white dress and angel wings Pure Transformation? Innocent until lace socks with white sandals cost wet.

Chaseonyoung 26 26, sexy or cute or gimsongah

Two masterful friend's Halloween costume hanbok is also However, Walker and fishnet stockings short skirt below that curl added and added to the sexy charm.

Properly, Halloween! Yumi 24, Los Angeles 23

Drastically the look on the girls Halloween costumes dressed really properly. Meet in an alley dawn no one to scream.

Prudish countenance this point, one 28, HANUL 26

These are virgin and the angel of death, happens about ghosts? Feeling when you hear the knife scary rather than cute and attractive look prudish virgin demons.

Posted by 누려라

Fake oil warning

경제IN 2012. 10. 30. 23:00

Fake oil warning

Mobile phones is flooded parts sharpen dwaedo plate, the water enters the car parts is not usually Insert foreign objects in the vehicle. Seeing the damage cases are increasing. Flooded with the rising value of oil 'and the' fake oil.

Light came oil has dropped. To turn the car around and found a nearby gas station. Famous oil companies operating in the gas station. Oil cheaper than the market price Finish filled. Cost 110,000 won. Day passed. Again, the red light came on the car. Language tripping Ind., took the car to want to. Car parts water into it thinking. You had to pay for the maintenance parts. Maintenance period of a fortnight, the cost 4,000,000 won. Mr. A that oil companies protested. Tedious one month workshop is followed by responsibility. A business is difficult without a car you need to do to fix the burden upset ot Mr. sighed.

The fines imposed by the recent four years selling fake oil amounts to 40 billion won. By company, SK Energy, GS Caltex, Hyundai Oil Bank, eseuohil net. Oil companies, no matter how famous, even it is not easy to receive compensation for damages. Consumers relative to the individual gas station, gas station, oil companies and contracted private operators. Negligence proved be commissioned directly by the consumer.

Debris in the oil, what was the bodywork is defective, the consumer is at fault. Commissioned oil housekeepers who is at fault can be examined. Fake oil is deadly to the body once injected inside the car dwaedo. Sometimes it may cause explosion. Fake oil, Is there any way to prevent accidents.

Fake oil precautions

General Petroleum to create a mixture of solvents, such as benzene, toluene, xylene, etc. and to use thinner, gasoline to diesel instead of petrol or kerosene mix to use as a kind of fake oil. Benzene and mixed fuel combustion as a carcinogen (benzo (a) pyrene) makes That occur with toluene, a substance called itself highly toxic. Vaporized when the body is fatal.

Last year there was a gas station in Suwon fake gasoline explosion while secretly stash in the basement that was fueling driver deaths and accidents hurt passersby four Anshan vehicle knocked cost from the fake petrol fueling is in a residential area after a fire burning homes to fire from spreading and prayed. Reason to fake gasoline explosion because a low flash point. Harmful emissions, two to five times higher. Lower fuel consumption. 14.4 ㎞ 1 ℓ runs when you write a normal gasoline car, put a fake gasoline falls 4 percent fuel economy.

Korea National Oil Management Service, the following criteria were presented to a gas station that sells fake oil differential

First, the price is significantly brackets doubt; Liter ranked 10, won 20, the difference these days, the price of oil to record highs every day feels greatly. International oil prices is grim, but the price of oil is significantly cheaper than the price level is the boundary to the gas station.

Substandard bad oil content written 'specified' gas station thrift in the country among According to the fact, that this year appeared the problem was. Of the government specifies the thrift gas station 12 where it was discovered that the oil and oil-alternative fuel in violation of the law qualification for selling fake oil before an administrative penalty.

Second, the isolated gas station outside the city center on the national road or beware. Mutual competition is fierce and the checks and monitoring all remote gas station, but not severe compared to the gas station area, the possibility is greater. (No brand gas stations) mupol gas station if it should be noted. Paul's particular gas station just operating refineries and supply contracts, "from time to time shall be supervised. Gas stations in the common remote gas station and mupol will be less likely to receive surveillance and containment.

Third, the Gas Jockey with little or frequently changing gas stations If you suspect that something is good. Fake gasoline handling the case of a gas station Gas Station Workers putting a lot of reluctance, even if more frequent replacement. If this gas station are also reluctant to pay by credit card. Fake oil trading illegally through the black market, and it does not leave a trail. Because

According to a recent survey, the 'fake oil to more than 1 trillion won a year tax that is leaking. How many fake oil before manufacturing and distribution Sindang-dong and family wave to the alleged distribution organization, has been arrested. They manufacture the largest of the fake oil 1 trillion won. Bodywork and bad price as many as 1,400 won per liter about 30% cheaper than the street price but they found the ensuing accident was known.

Fake oil free analysis service

Oil housekeepers nationwide mobile laboratory vehicle area was placed on the 24. Hypermarkets and highway rest stops, gravitate to where the vehicle pulled directly from my fuel vehicles, allows analysis of whether the fake oil lubrication free. Analysis machine to put in a certain amount of mobile laboratories to recollect the oil in the tank vehicle containing foreign matter whether you come in 10 to 15 minutes.

If the foreign object is found, fueling at the gas station, some have caught on track to enter. We tested 555 vehicles in the first half of this year, it had caught four of the fake gas station oil handling.

Posted by 누려라

일본애니 - 나루토 361~400화 줄거리와 다시보기

나루토 질풍전 극장판 : 블러드 프리즌 2011

요약:일본 | 애니메이션, 액션, 어드벤처 |

2012.02.23 | 12세이상관람가 | 94분

감독:무라타 마사히코

출연:타케우치 준코,테라소마 마사키

소노자키 미에, 나카무라 유이치

다시보기는 이곳을 이용하시면 됩니다 => [ http://goo.gl/oKSOI ]

나루토 줄거리

모함을 당해 알 수 없는 죄명으로 붙잡힌 나루토는 한 번 수감되면

평생 탈옥할 수 없는 귀등성(호오즈키성)으로 보내진다. 

블러드 프리즌이라고 불리는 닌자들의 감옥, 귀등성의 성주인 무이는

나루토의 몸에 천뢰라는 금고술을 새기며 닌자의 힘을 봉인한다.

무이를 해치우면 천뢰가 사라질 것이라는 누군가의 말에 나루토는 탈출을 감행하며

무이를 없애려 하지만 번번히 실패하고, 목숨의 위협까지 받게 된다.

결국 무고함을 알리기 위해 목숨을 건 극단적인 탈출을 하려던 나루토를

의문의 닌자 류제츠가 구해주게 되고,

나루토는 류제츠에 의해 귀등성의 비밀을 알게 된다.

Posted by 누려라

전북도내 공사립 501개 유치원의 원비와 교육과정 급식등의 각종정보가 공개된다고 합니다.

전북도교육청에 따르면 유치원 운영의 투명성 제고와 다양한 정보제공을 통해

학부모의 선택권을 강화하기 위해 유치원 정보공시제도가 의무화 된다.

유치원 알리미 사이트를 통해서 공개 되는 유치원 공시정보는 모두 7항목 18범위를

정시와 수시를 구분하여 공시한다 합니다. 이에 따라 학부모들은 해당 유치원에 대한 각종정보를

열람 선택할수 있게 된다고 합니다.

구체적인 공시내용은 유치원 규칙 시설 현황, 유치원 원아 및 교원현황, 유치원 교육과정 편성운영현황

유치원 회계에 관한 사항,유치원 급식,보건관리,환경위생 및 안전관리에 관한 사항등 입니다.

정보공개 대상 유치원은 공립345곳, 사립156곳 등 총501개 유치원이며

9월말 유치원 규칙과 유치원 예산결산서 등의 5종의 공시를 한 상태라고 합니다.

그리고 27일에는 유치원 원아 및 교원현황, 유치원 급식,보건관리,환경위생 및

안전관리에 관한 사항등 총 11종을 공시할 예정이라고 합니다.

Posted by 누려라
생활의 지혜 - 초스피드로 청소하는 방법을 알려드립니다^^

갑자기 손님이 오시게 되어 당황한 적 없으십니까?
저기도 여기도 청소를 해야 하는 곳이 너무 많아서 어쩌지! 머리가 터질 것 같아!
라는 상황이 왔다면 우선은 손님에게 보이는 곳만 깨끗하게 하면 됩니다. 
우선 중요한 포인트만 깨끗하게 해 두면 집 전체가 깨끗해 보이게 됩니다.
시간이 없을 때 단시간에 할 수 있는 스피드 청소의 순서를 소개하겠습니다.

1.화장실:화장실이 깨끗하면 손님에의 인상이 확 올라갑니다. 
우선 더러움이 있는 부분에 두루마리 휴지를 올리고
그 위에 화장실용 세제를 뿌려줍니다. 
더러움이 지워지지 쉽도록 이대로 잠깐 방치해 둡니다.
그 사이에 다른 부분을 청소합니다.

2.세면대:화장실을 사용하면 반드시 세면대를 사용합니다. 
화장실과 함께 깨끗하게 해 두어야합니다. 
물기를 닦고, 거울을 닦습니다.

3.가전제품:거실의 가전제품의 먼지는 의외로 눈에 띄기 쉽습니다.
스타킹을 손에 끼워, 쓰다듬듯이 닦습니다. 
하는 김에 관엽 식물의 잎의 표면도 닦으면 좋습니다.

4.쇼파:손님이 앉을 자리입니다. 
장시간 눈에 띌 수 있으니 깨끗하게 해 둡시다.
가죽이라면 표면을 닦고, 구석구석의 먼기를 청소기로 빨아들입니다.

5.바닥:바닥을 청소합니다. 먼지나 머리카락 등이 많이 숨어 있으므로 주의합시다!
마루라면 마른 걸레가 효과적입니다. 먼지가 잘 걸리고, 빨리 청소 할 수 있는 장점이 있습니다. 걸레를 전 후로 움직여 청소합니다.

6.마무리:마지막으로 현관에 뿌려 놓은 젖은 신문지를 모아 정리하고
화장실은 세제가 묻어 있는 화장지를 솔로 문질러 버리면 끝입니다

*이것만 해두면 손님이 와도 창피할 일은 없을 것입니다.
여유를 가지고 손님을 맞이할 수 있을 것입니다.
여력이 있다면 신경 쓰이는 다른 부분 청소하면 완벽해 질 것입니다.
여러분도 한번 해보세요 적어도 손님들에게 욕먹진 말아야죠^^
Posted by 누려라